Guo Yuhong

郭宇虹 毕业于中国美术学院陶艺专业,创作多倾向于生活陶瓷器具,作品设计以展现泥土的本色为出发点,再配合施以简单的白釉作为装饰。土壤,是每个人童年的记忆。无论是弄脏小花衣的雨后小泥塘,还是原野上沉甸甸的肥沃大地。每一分昵图都有自己独特的回忆。追随这些回忆,便是创作的灵感源泉。作品尽量减少掩饰性的表达,把重点放在还原泥土的本质上面——无论是粗制的外壁,还是完全不加修饰的把手。当你拿起它的时候,就会真切的感受到泥土的朴素。朴素,是一种态度,作者希望以朴素的质感传达给人以一种单纯回归的情感。这种回归便是一种赤裸的精神。作品《雪融》入选第十一届全国美展,《叶子》入选第八届当代青年陶艺家双年展等。

 Guo Yuhong Graduated from the China Academy of Art Pottery professional.For me ceramics has been joy and close to human.My major interested for my own work has been hand building.I want to show nature and my life into pottery.So that the pottery itself will be valuable.Crack,bubble,crawl are a part of nature and life.For me,they are the important patterns,contributing textures and value to the beauty of the whole piece.I made a lot of functional pots.Cause everyone use and feel it everyday.Like the snow cup is show when you touch it feel smooth like cream and see it like heavy sonw day.I want to show you that is not only a cup,that emerge and include the nature world.Like the language of ceramic:gentle,elegant,implicit,highly privileged and peaceful.



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