Muira Junji |
我认为做陶十分有趣。因为它是混合绘画设计与化学的一门艺术。他浴火成型。几千年前,人们虽然因为生活而发明了陶,但这也是表达他们文化的一种方式。目前,工业制陶生产了大量的更廉价且好用的陶瓷制品,但却缺少了其文化价值。所以,我希望我的作品不仅仅是一个杯子,一个碗,或者是一个花瓶,更是一件作品。我总是从大自然中得到启示,并且融入我的作品中。 我认为所有美丽的东西来源于大自然。一片叶子,一簇野花,我从他们身上寻找美来作为我的一个艺术语言来表达我的情感与人沟通。我做的作品很随意,我认为没有任何特别的意义在我的作品里。我只是在做我的感受,我的想法,我我想要表达的美。如果人们可以从我的作品中感受这些,我将十分欣慰。 I think making pottery is very inetresting.Because it is mixed painting design and chemical.It is formed in the fire.Thousands of years ago people making pottery living but also it was a way expressing their cultures.At present, mass productions make the things more functional more cheap but less the value of culture.So,i hope that my work is not only a cup,a bowl,or a vase,is a piece of work.In my works,i always get inspirations from nature.I think all the beauty things from nature.A blade of grass,a little wild flower,i find beauty from them as one of my artistic languages to express my feelings to communicate with people.I do my work very pimple,and i think i have nothing special in my works.Ionly do what i feel,what i think,what i want.If people can feel that from my works,i will feel satisfaction.